Friday, April 25, 2014

Thursday & Friday

a) "Griff"
For Time
800m Run
400m Backwards Run
800m Run
400m Backwards Run
b) Gymnastic's Daily WOD
    a) Plank tuck Hold 1min
    b) L-seat hold 1min
    c) Above bar pull up hold 1min
    d) Handstand Hold against wall hold 1min
- every time  you break you have to do 5 v-sit ups
AMRAP 10 min
4 Muscle Ups
8 Wall balls, 30#
200m run

a) Deadlift 1x2 @ 75%
b) Spead Deadlifts 8x3 @ 60%
c) 3 sets not for time
straight leg deadlifts 8 reps, 185#
bent over rows 8 reps, 135#
undergrip strict pull ups weighted 8 reps, 35# KB

a) 11:52 - had a hard time breathing this morning.  Allergies are on over drive lately.  But it felt good time move.
b) well all these hold were pretty tough.  I thought I would be able to handle it with no problems.  the only on i didn't break on was the handstand hold.
METCON - 5 rounds+12reps went about 75% on this workout.
a) 365# worked up to this.  Felt light and easy
b) 295#, all felt really good.  No problems
c) the pull ups were the hardest part.

rest and recovery day, so I mowed the grass...