Thursday, May 8, 2014

This week thus far...

30min row
a)Snatch x2 not TNG on the min 10min 70%
b)1 Squat Clean + 1Front Squat + 3Split Jerk
c) Front Squat 40x1 tempo 3x5
d) 10 strict toes to bar x4 sets
Only able to get in 20 min.  Duty calls and messes up training when youre at the fire house.
a) 170# and felt decent. Not at fast as 100%
b) 175#, 185#, 195#, 205#, 205# man 205 felt pretty heavy on the third jerk.
c) 255#, 265#, 265# not feeling "explosive" and weight feeling alot heavier than normal.
d) felt this all in my shoulders and arms.

Gymnastic's WOD
21-15-9 not for time
Planche progression with dumbells
strict ring rows
Few Hours later got asked to be apart of a regional team wod of
Muscle Ups
Clean and jerk 135#
I had a whole afternoon planned but my right leg had a horrible cramping pain. So instead I worked on handstand walks.
the GWOD was pretty rough.  I've learned there are a lot of muscles I'm not using that are being targeted with these works out.
The team wod was alot of fun. Since there were only 3 of us and the wod calls for 6 we just cycled through. So I ended up doing the 12 Muscle Ups and 12 C&J then rested till I had to do the 9 MU and 9 C&J.  I really surprised my self by doing everything unbroken.  Very happy this morning.
Had a lot of fun the the handstand walk. even made a little course to make it more challenging.

10min row at easy pace. Then 800m walk with the dog
a)Snatch Balance @ 60% adding 5# every min for 10min
b) Push jerk + split jerk + hehind the head jerk x5
c) back squat 3x5 20 sec rest b/w sets
Glut Ham Raises 3x6
good hot morning
a) started at 130# and never missed.
b) started at 175#, 185, 205, 225 miss behind the head, 205, 205. the behind the head was a little harder than expected.
c) 315# all sets.  good little burner
the gh raises were a real burner.  I know I'll feel it int he morning.

Was supposed to be a rest day but I'm taking that on saturday.
300 burpees for quality and time.
a) 3 pos snatch pocket+above knee+ below knee. 5 sets focus on tech
b) double KB front squat 5 sec lower 2 sec pause 5 x5
c) Barbell over head carry walking lunges. 6 steps OTM 10
d) more hand stand walk stuff
the burpee thing was rough.  I heard about this guy who does 300 jsut about everyday so i though I'd see what it felt like. it was a real mental game.  every burpee was perfect. both feet out perfect push up both feet in and jump with clap over head.  took me 25min and 58sec.  the conditioning wasnt hard it was the mental grind to keep moving.
a) 135, 140, 145, 150, 155 felt really good on this. wish i videoed some.
b) used 55# kbs and I felt this burn in the shoulders and different parts of my core firing off.  really like this one.
c) i only got 5 sets in at 165# class took over the space
d) did some more walking stuff trying to turn in circles and stuff.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Thursday, Friday & Saturday

Thursday was a recovery try day for me.  I didn't plan on it but that just kinda how the day ended up.
A.M.  15min easy row + 10min of mobility + 400m sled walk with a 25# plate and my daughter riding on the back.  I'll have to take pictures next time. She loved it and it made it more enjoyable for me to have her with me.

a) power clean + front squat + 2 split jerks build to a heavy set
b) Hang Snatch complex, pockets+above knee+below knee.  build to a heavy set
c) tabata push ups, toes to pole, double unders, air squats(score is lowest reps in each movement)

a) 235#, missed the jerk on 245#, felt slow all day on the dip and drive. you can see in the video.
b) 175#, stopped here because my technique was getting bad.
c) 62reps, went out way to fast on push ups and burned out after the third set. lesson learned.
clean complex, 245# miss
Snatch Complex 175#

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Last few days

It's been pretty crazy with all this terrible weather, so training has been put aside.  I was able to do a few things at the fire station the other day.  More or less just things to keep moving and sweat.  Yesterday was a good day at CrossFit Candor. Got in a couple sessions, and met some new athlete visiting from another gym while their gym was being repaired from flooding caused by the storms.  We even got in a 4 man team WOD with the guest athletes which was a lot of fun.  Well, here's was yesterday looked like.  I started my morning out with low volume moving, then hit some gymnastics practice a few hours later.  That afternoon did some strength stuff from CrossFit 2717's Competitors Blog (written by Michael McElroy), and finally the 20minute long team WOD.

A.M. session#1
*not for time
5 Rounds
1 minute row @easy pace
1 minute bear crawl
1 minute Skipping Jump rope
1 minute Forward lean rest on rings
Then some shoulder and hip mobility

A.M. session#2
( Work Out of the Day)
5 Skin the Cats
Shoulder mobility w/ bands
1min Bridge up Hold
1min skin the cat hold
a) Snatch Balance build to a heavy single
b) Weighted Pull Up build to a heavy single
c) Back Squat Build to a heavy single
d) Snatch Pull + Snatch build to a heavy single

Team WOD
My team was consisted of David Stokes, Lance Comier, and Hunter Atkins.
20 minute AMRAP
There are four stations
- 25m sled sprint @90#
- 10 Dead lifts @225#
- 100ft shuttle run(down and back 50ft)
- rest station
*3.2.1...go, the sled gets pushed, after crosses the line, the deadlift guys lifts, once last reps completed, the other guys sprints, once he crosses the line then next guy pushes the sled. always rotating after each movement.  I almost threw up twice.

A.M. session#1
got in a really good sweat.
A.M. session#2
I had to break the bridge up hold 6 sets of 10 seconds. My lack of mobility in my upper thoracic and shoulders makes this movement very tough.  The skin the cat hold was broke up in to 30 second holds. I'm learning that a lot of the my body weight holds aren't were they need to be.
a) finished at 185#, missed 195#.  Didn't try for it twice because it wasn't a max rep day.  I could tell my technique was starting to go.
b) got 125#, and missed 135# by a inch or so.
c) 395#, felt pretty fast on this lift.  I put on 405# and it felt like i added 50 more pounds.
d) 195#, and this was my best looking lift.  205#, missed forward.
These lifts felt heavier than normal.  Since the end of my CF season I haven't had the consistency in my training as well as my nutrition.  I believe it's time to dial back in my nutrition and training.  I really enjoy the training along time a group of people though so I'll still get in with the class WOD as much as I can.
Like I said, almost puked twice.  The "rest" station wasn't really a station.  the rest was walking to the next movement.  It was a lot of fun though.  Best part was we have no idea how many round we did.  It was just a non stop grind.
Snatch Balance 185#
Almost 135# weighted pull up

395# back squat