Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Hectic summer

So I started this blog months ago and I've only posted a couple write ups.  As for my training, it has not been as consistent as it was during 2014 season.  Now I'm still going as hard as I can during sessions it's the number of sessions that is taking a hit.  Basically do to my profession as a professional firefighter does not let me get the sleep and rest it takes to function and train as a high performance athlete.  I've tried to "suck it up" and train even on night with no sleep, but it absolutely wrecks me.  I've also been hearing more and more study on to NOT train on days when you get less than 8 hours of sleep.  Now for me that would been I'd never train again.  So I pretty much go off of how I feel the next day after the fire house.  Yesterday was the first training session I've had in 5 days.  Which was a really good day. I hit pretty good numbers and felt really good.

A.M. (10:00am)
a. Clean+front squat+jerk
@75% 1x2, @80%1x3
b. Snatch Grip Dead lift+high hang snatch+snatch
@70% 1x2, @75%,1x3
C. Back squat
78%x6, 83%x1, 78%x6, 86%x1, 78%x6. 88%x1 ( i went for five on this just to see, got 3 reps)
P.M. (3:00pm)
"Nasty Girls"
3 rounds for time
50 air squats
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Cleans 135#

a. 75%=200#, 80%= 215#,  no misses.  but I was breathing pretty hard after the 80% for 3.
b. 70%=150, 75%160#, no misses. I did drop a knee on the 106#, but didn't drop the weight.  shoulders around my traps were pretty tight and couldn't get them to loosen up so i was pulling/catching forward.
c. 78%=325#, 83%=345#, 86%=355#, 88%=365#
no misses here, and I went for five reps at 88% and got three.  pretty happy with this after no doing anything for 5 days.
"Nasty Girls"
5:48, "chicken winged a muscle up on the last round causing me to fall and take a bit to get back on the rings.  gave me a little stinger in my elbow but no injury.  did everything unbroken(except when I fell).  forearms are pumped up.  was hanging on to the barbell with my finger tips on the last couple cleans.